Welcome to the 2025 ISCD Conference on Skeletal Health Assessment!
AGENDA: Scroll down to the agenda below and click on the name of each session for more information. All times are EST and the schedule is subject to change so please check back frequently for the most up-to-date schedule.
LIVESTREAM: Users can participate in the Conference by attending live in-person or remotely through a livestream (using Zoom).
- For those attending in-person, selecting the Livestream option while in the conference room is NOT permitted.
- For those who registered for livestream, select the session and click "View Session." You will need to go back to the Agenda to view each session separately. We encourage you to run a Zoom test on each of your device(s) you plan to use prior to the conference to ensure that your connection and audio & video settings are working properly.
SESSION RECORDINGS: Recordings are ONLY offered for those seeking ACCME credits, and will be available approximately 24-48 hours after each session. Recordings can be accessed by selecting the session from the agenda below, clicking on Vew Session, then going to the Contents tab.
CLAIMING CREDITS: Participants may claim ONLY one type of credit (ACCME or ASRT). For complete details visit the CME Info page.
PRE & POST CONFERENCE COURSES: A selection of Pre- and Post-Conference Courses are also being offered in-person ONLY. Visit the Conference Registration page and scroll down for more information. These courses require a separate registration from the Conference.
Thursday, February 20
Thu, Feb 20 @ 7:30am-7:00pm EST
Visit the registration desk located in the foyer
Thu, Feb 20 @ 8:00-9:00am EST
DXA Beyond BMD Measurement
This session will review currently available DXA software features that may not be integrated into routine clinical practice along with companion software that expands the utility of DXA imaging. Finally, discussion of potential opportunities to enhance or extend the technology.
- Identify currently available software features that have clinical application
- Review evolving DXA applications that may have future clinical utility
- Discuss the potential of DXA to expand into new clinical areas
Georgian room
Diane Krueger, BS, CBDT, Researcher
Thu, Feb 20 @ 9:15-10:15am EST
DXA in Children Treated with Bisphosphonates
In growing bone, administration of bisphosphonate yields differing effects based on medical condition, age, skeletal site measured, and therapeutic regimen.
- Describe appearance of bisphosphonate treatment at measured body sites in treated children
- Examine BP treatment effects over time in children with different conditions
- Review bisphosphonate treatment approaches used in pediatrics.
Georgian room
Heidi Kecskemethy, MS Ed, RDN, CSP, CBDT, Director of Radiology Research Operations
Thu, Feb 20 at 10:15-10:45am EST
Exhibit & Coffee Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment. Coffee and tea will be provided during the breaks.
Thu, Feb 20 at 10:15-10:45am EST
Office Hours: Hologic Technologist
Meet with our experts in Berkeley:
Hologic Technologist Office Hours with Larry Jankowski
Thu, Feb 20 @ 10:45-11:45am EST
Challenges when Reporting BMD for Less Than 4 Vertebral Bodies
The consideration of how to best report less than 4 vertebrae for spine BMD is frequently discussed. This issue was addressed during the last position development conference. This lecture will review how this should best be evaluated and reported along with taking into account trabecular bone score reporting in this situation as well.
- Identify the best way to report less than 4 vertebrae on a spine BMD
- Distinguish between the different methods in which LSC can be reported in this situation
- Determine how TBS should be evaluated when less than 4 vertebrae are evaluated. Identify currently available software features that have clinical application
Georgian room
Dr. Harold Rosen, MD, CCD, Director of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Center
Thu, Feb 20 at 11:45am-12:15pm EST
Exhibit Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment.
Thu, Feb 20 at 12:15-1:15pm EST
Medimaps Product Theater: Introducing TBS Osteo v4
LOCATION: Georgian room
PROGRAM: For over a decade, Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) has been used in clinical setting, complementing FRAX® and BMD to improve the detection of bone fragilities in patients at risk of fractures. TBS Osteo is the only regulatory software approved worldwide for indirectly evaluating bone microarchitecture status in clinical settings from 2D images, and is supported by four category 1 CPT® codes for reimbursement in the U.S.
Building on 14 years of product evolution to meet clinicians’ needs, the new TBS Osteo v4 software is designed to enhance evaluation capabilities. It represents a significant clinical advancement by offering a broader patient eligibility, and technical interoperability within the radiology practice.
Join Medimaps Group Product Theater to learn more about the new TBS Osteo v4 features and its clinical performance in patients suffering from pathologies impacting bone microarchitecture.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Didier Hans
Head of Research and Development, Interdisciplinary Center of Bone Diseases at Lausanne University Hospital and CEO & Co-Founder of Medimaps Group
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karen Hind
Honorary Professor at Lancaster University Medical School, UK and Senior Director of Clinical Affairs, Research and Innovation at Medimaps Group
Product Theaters are sponsored presentations and there is no credit available. A boxed lunch will be provided to the first 80 attendees.
Thu, Feb 20 at 1:15-1:45pm EST
Exhibit Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment.
Thu, Feb 20 at 1:45-2:45pm EST
Optimal Use of Anabolic and Antiresorptive Therapies in the Treatment of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis
An update on anabolic and antiresorptive therapies and the importance of drug sequence.
- Understand the benefits and risks of long-term therapy with any single agent
- Determine the effects of discontinuing the various osteoporosis medications
- Be familiar with the distinct effects of the various drug sequences in osteoporosis therapy
Georgian room
Benjamin Leder, Professor of Medicine
Thu, Feb 20 at 2:45-3:15pm EST
Exhibit & Coffee Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment. Coffee and tea will be provided during the breaks.
Thu, Feb 20 at 2:45-3:15pm EST
Office Hours: Hologic Clinician
Meet with our experts in Berkeley:
GE Clinician Office Hours with Dr. Angela Cheung
Thu, Feb 20 at 3:15-4:15pm EST
Preoperative Spine Population / Maximizing
The importance of optimization of bone health prior to spine surgery is well recognized and being addressed regularly. This lecture will focus on the best ways to assess and enhance bone health prior to spine surgery for improved outcomes.
- Describe how to best assess bone health prior to spine surgery
- Determine which treatment option should be considered in different situations along with potential side effects
- Explain what treatment length should be expected along with potential improvement in outcomes
Georgian room
Paul A. Anderson, MD, MS, Emeritus Professor of Orthopedics
Thu, Feb 20 at 4:30-5:30pm EST
Sarcopenia, Osteoporosis and Fractures: Perspectives on Musculoskeletal Aging of an Aging Musculoskeletal Clinical Researcher
Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and function, is often considered in the context of osteoporosis and fractures. Despite this, progress in clinical recognition and treatment of sarcopenia has been limited. Sarcopenia today seems comparable to osteoporosis prior to 1990; a disease without widespread clinical diagnosis for which no pharmacologic therapy exists. Moreover, the pathogenesis of sarcopenia and osteoporosis are strikingly similar. Nonetheless, consideration of sarcopenia by osteoporosis clinicians can be done today; reasonable current, and potential future, clinical approaches will be considered.
- Make use of a syndrome approach to reducing “osteoporosis-related” fractures
- Appreciate challenges in operationalizing the diagnosis of sarcopenia
- Summarize rational approaches to non-pharmacologic fracture risk reduction therapy including calcium, vitamin D, protein and exercise/falls risk reduction
Georgian room
Neil Binkley, MD, CCD, Professor of Medicine
Thu, Feb 20 at 5:45-6:45pm EST
Stump the Experts
Difficult bone cases will be reviewed with salient teaching points discussed. A panel of experts will provide opinions as well.
- Paul Anderson
- Neil Binkley
- Jennifer Kelly
- Rachel Pessah-Pollack
- Identify how to navigate difficult metabolic bone cases
- Distinguish between the best tests to order in different clinical scenarios
- Describe which medications would be best utilized in distinct situations
Georgian room
John J. Carey, MBBChBAO, MS, CCD, FRCPI, Physician in Rheumatology, Osteology, and Medicine / Professor in Medicine
Thu, Feb 20 at 7:00-9:00pm EST
Opening Reception
Join us for the Opening Reception in Statler (Exhibit Hall). This networking event is a great opportunity to meet our exhibiting companies, connect with colleagues you haven't seen in a while and meet fellow leaders in skeletal health assessment. Light refreshments will be provided.
Friday, February 21
Fri, Feb 21 @ 7:30am-6:30pm EST
Visit the registration desk located in the foyer
Fri, Feb 21 @ 8:00-9:00am EST
Fracture Detection Using AI
Artificial intelligence is well recognized as an emerging and vital part of assessing bone health. This lecture will focus on how we can best utilize and glean important information from radiology films to assess fracture presence and increased future risk.
- Identify how to best assess the use of AI on the use of radiographs to assess for fractures
- Determine the limitations of using AI in this setting
- Distinguish how to best utilize this technology for the future
Georgian room
Ali Guermazi, MD, PhD, MSc, Professor of Radiology & Medicine
Fri, Feb 21 @ 9:15-10:15am EST
Clinical Pearls in Paget's Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment
Paget's disease is a skeletal growth disorder in which significant abnormalities can occur. This session will help with the identification and treatment of these abnormalities.
- Understand the pathophysiology of Paget's Disease
- Become familiar with the radiologic features of Paget's Disease
- Understand the management of Paget's DiseaseIdentify currently available software features that have clinical application
Georgian room
Gary Edelson, M.D.,
Fri, Feb 21 @ 10:15-10:45am EST
Exhibit & Coffee Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment. Coffee and tea will be provided during the breaks.
Fri, Feb 21 at 10:15-10:45am EST
Office Hours: GE Technologist
Meet with our experts in Berkeley:
GE Technologist Office Hours with Diane Krueger
Fri, Feb 21 @ 10:45-11:45am EST
Living with Hypoparathyroidism: What's New and What is Upcoming
Hypoparathyroidism is a rare but serious disorder with potentially very significant adverse outcomes. This lecture will focus on the importance of its proper identifcation and treatment through the discussion of cases along with a review of the literature. Current and future treatment options will be reviewed.
- Determine how to best assess and treat patients with hypoparathyroidism
- Distinguish between the potential risks and benefits of older versus newer treatment options
- Identify the concerns of preventing potential long term sequelae in patients not treated optimally
Georgian room
Lynn A. Kohlmeier, MD, Director of Endocrinology
Fri, Feb 21 @ 11:45am-12:15pm EST
Exhibit Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment.
Fri, Feb 21 @ 12:15-1:15pm EST
Alexion Product Theater: Get Straight to the Source of Hypophosphatasia (HPP)
LOCATION: Georgian room
PROGRAM: This program will provide an overview of hypophosphatasia, including:
- Recognition of the biochemical hallmark of HPP
- Identification of common signs and symptoms
- Diagnostic considerations for your practice
- Treatment
SPEAKER: Jacqi Kernaghan, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA
Jacqi Kernaghan, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA, is a certified Physician Assistant and the Associate Director of the Osteoporosis Center of Delaware County with three office locations in southeast Pennsylvania. Jacqi earned her Bachelor of Science in Physician Assistant Studies and her Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies from Philadelphia University (now Jefferson University).
Product Theaters are sponsored presentations and there is no credit available. A boxed lunch will be provided to the first 80 attendees.
Fri, Feb 21 @ 1:15-1:45pm EST
Exhibit Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment.
Fri, Feb 21 @ 1:45-2:45pm EST
Vitamin D Controversies
Vitamin D is essential to bone health. Controversies exist in this field regarding optimal replacement. Recent Endocrine Society Guidelines will be reviewed along with how this information should best be taken into context in the treatment of our patients with metabolic bone disorders.
- Identify how to best screen and treat patients at risk for vitamin D deficiency
- Describe recent guidelines on this topic
- Determine how to best utilize this information in clinical practice and patient care. Identify currently available software features that have clinical application
Georgian room
Alan Malabanan MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Endocrinology, Diabetes, Nutrition & Weight Management
Fri, Feb 21 @ 2:45-3:15pm EST
Exhibit & Coffee Break
Visit our Exhibit Hall (Statler Room) to meet with leading companies in Skeletal Health Assessment. Coffee and tea will be provided during the breaks.
Fri, Feb 21 at 2:45-3:15pm EST
Office Hours: GE Clinician
Meet with our experts in Berkeley.
GE Clinician Office Hours with Dr. Neil Binkley
Fri, Feb 21 @ 3:15-4:15pm EST
Assessment of BMD in Sports Medicine
Many important diagnostic evaluations by sports medicine specialists are important for the non-orthopedic clinician. Sports medicine is more of a blend of specialities rather than a single specialty, and the care of the athlete requires understanding them.
- How to approach Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
- How to work around injuries to allow an athlete to safely exercise
- How to prevent injury Identify currently available software features that have clinical application
Georgian room
Gillian Wooldridge, DO, CCD,
Fri, Feb 21 @ 4:30-5:30pm EST
Fracture Liaison Service Updates
Fracture Liaison Services are crucial to helping prevent future fractures in very high risk patients. The ideal way in which to implement this service remains debatable. The success and data available on the current FLS program being implemented at MGH to date with the use of Zoledronate early on will be discussed.
- Recognize FLS as an effective mechanism to narrow osteoporosis treatment gap and fracture secondary prevention as a critical opportunity to identify and treat at-risk patients
- Evaluate the safety of zoledronic acid administered during initial fracture hospitalization and its effectiveness in improving osteoporosis treatment rate
- Discuss clinical outcomes of inpatient zoledronic acid for patients admitted for hip fracture
Georgian room
WuQiang Fan, Clinical Director of Fracture Liaison Service
Fri, Feb 21 @ 5:45-6:45pm EST
Preventing Osteoporosis: Are We Missing an Opportunity?
Osteoporosis is a very significant disease with increased fracture risk. This session will explore various ways to approach prevention in patients.
- Understand the magnitude of changes in bone density and microarchitecture that occur during the menopause transition
- Know how to identify women at high risk for developing osteoporosis
- Appreciate a long-term for preventing osteoporosis
Georgian room
Michael R. McClung, MD, FACP, FACE, FASBMR,
Fri, Feb 21 @ 7:00-8:30pm EST
Awards & Annual Business Meeting
LOCATION: Georgian room
The ISCD Annual Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony will feature highlights from the Society and recognize our 2024 and 2025 ISCD Award recipients as well as our Best Case Award recipient. Please join us to hear the officers' report and Dr. Angela Man-Wei Cheung, MD, PhD, FRCPC, CCD give her Presidential Address.
The Annual Business Meeting & Awards Ceremony is open to all voting ISCD members. For those who may wish to watch but are not registered for the conference you may access the meeting using Zoom by registering here.
Saturday, February 22
Sat, Feb 22 @ 7:30am-6:00pm EST
Visit the registration desk located in the foyer
Sat, Feb 22 @ 8:00am-9:00am EST
Challenges of Osteoporosis Treatments Across the Spectrum of CKD
Osteoporosis and an increase in fracture risk occurs across different GFR levels. At higher stages of CKD, proper identification of the correct type of metabolic bone disorder being assessed is essential for proper treatment. This lecture will focus on how to best identify and treat patients at risk for future fracture at different stages of CKD.
- Describe how to best assess bone health and fracture risk across different stages of CKD
- Distinguish between the different types of metabolic bone disorders that can occur at lower GFR levels
- Identify which treatments for fracture risk reduction should be considered in different scenarios related to CKD.Identify currently available software features that have clinical application
Georgian room
We are editing the recording and will make the final version available in the Contents section shortly.
Paul Miller, MD, HDSc (honorary), Medical Director
Sat, Feb 22 @ 9:15am-10:15am EST
Treat to Target
The concept of treat to target is well recognized across multiple fields of medicine and for some time now has been discussed in the arena of osteoporosis. This lecture will focus on the concept of treat to target in patients who warrant treatment for being at high risk for fracture along with which goals should be assessed and discussed with the patients for optimizing treatment.
- Identify what is considered treat to target in osteoporosis treatment
- Describe the newer position statement published in this field
- Determine how to best assess patients on treatment over time along with treatment goals.Identify currently available software features that have clinical application
Georgian room
E. Michael Lewiecki, MD, FACP, FACE, CCD, Director
Sat, Feb 22 @ 10:15am-10:45am EST
Coffee Break
Join us for coffee in Arlington
Sat, Feb 22 @ 10:45am-12:00pm EST
Clinical Conundrums & Challenging Cases in the Bone Health of Transgender Individual
Transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people are at increased risk for bone loss due to changes in their hormonal milieu. The ISCD recommends screening for low bone density in TGD people especially in those who are at high risk for bone loss and/or may not reach peak bone mass. This case based session will discuss different clinical situations where bone density screening should be performed and when treatment should be considered.
- Review ISCD guidelines for screening for low bone density in transgender and gender diverse people
- List conditions that might put transgender and gender diverse people at increased risk for bone loss
- Discuss potential treatment options for transgender and gender diverse people
Georgian room
Vin Tangpricha, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Eminent Physician
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