Preoperative Spine Population / Maximizing

The importance of optimization of bone health prior to spine surgery is well recognized and being addressed regularly. This lecture will focus on the best ways to assess and enhance bone health prior to spine surgery for improved outcomes.

  1. Describe how to best assess bone health prior to spine surgery
  2. Determine which treatment option should be considered in different situations along with potential side effects
  3. Explain what treatment length should be expected along with potential improvement in outcomes

Georgian room

Paul A. Anderson, MD, MS

Emeritus Professor of Orthopedics

University of Wisconsin

Dr. Anderson is a board-certified orthopaedic spine surgeon with special interest in spine trauma, tumors, cervical spine, and geriatric spinal diseases and osteoporosis. He is an internationally recognized expert in the field of orthopaedic spinal surgery and currently holds an academic position as Emeritus Professor of Orthopedics at the University of Wisconsin. He has served as President of the Cervical Spine Research Society and President of the Lumbar Spine Research Society and has held various positions in a number of spinal and orthopaedic societies.  He has served as a member as well as Chairman of the AAOS Biomedical Engineering Committee, Co-Chair of ASTM 04.25, and Clinical Chair of ASTM F04. Most recently, he chaired the “Own the Bone” Steering Committee of the American Orthopaedic Association which aims to educate medical practitioners and patients on the importance of bone health and promote fracture liaison services. In 2022 he received the 3rd Annual Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cervical Spine Research Society. He currently serves as a Reviewer for Osteoporosis International and a member of the Scientific Advisory Council of ISCD as well as Vice President of ISCD. Dr. Anderson earned his undergraduate and Master’s degrees from The University of Michigan in Chemical Engineering. He completed medical school and orthopaedic residency at Wayne State University and a clinical spine fellowship with Dr. Henry H. Bohlman (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland).

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