Stump the Experts

Difficult bone cases will be reviewed with salient teaching points discussed. A panel of experts will provide opinions as well.


  • Paul Anderson
  • Neil Binkley
  • Jennifer Kelly
  • Rachel Pessah-Pollack
  1. Identify how to navigate difficult metabolic bone cases
  2. Distinguish between the best tests to order in different clinical scenarios
  3. Describe which medications would be best utilized in distinct situations

Georgian room


Physician in Rheumatology, Osteology, and Medicine / Professor in Medicine

Galway University Hospitals / University of Galway

Prof. John J. Carey is a consultant physician in rheumatology and medicine, and clinical director of DXA, FLS programme and osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease at Galway University Hospitals, Ireland, and a Professor in Medicine at The National University of Ireland, Galway. He completed medical school in Ireland, and his post-graduate training in medicine, rheumatology and clinical research in the United States of America. He is a past-president of The International Society for Clinical Densitometry, current president of The Irish DXA Society and a member of The Committee for Scientific Affairs for the International Osteoporosis Foundation. He is faculty for the ISCD OE, Pediatric, VFR and Body Composition courses. His research interests focus on evidence synthesis and reality-based medicine, and optimizing the use of electronic health information, diagnostic testing and evidence in clinical practice.

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