Challenges of Osteoporosis Treatments Across the Spectrum of CKD

Osteoporosis and an increase in fracture risk occurs across different GFR levels.  At higher stages of CKD, proper identification of the correct type of metabolic bone disorder being assessed is essential for proper treatment. This lecture will focus on how to best identify and treat patients at risk for future fracture at different stages of CKD.

  1. Describe how to best assess bone health and fracture risk across different stages of CKD
  2. Distinguish between the different types of metabolic bone disorders that can occur at lower GFR levels
  3. Identify which treatments for fracture risk reduction should be considered in different scenarios related to CKD.Identify currently available software features that have clinical application

Georgian room


We are editing the recording and will make the final version available in the Contents section shortly.

Paul Miller, MD, HDSc (honorary)

Medical Director

Colorado Center for Bone Health/Miller Bone Center

Paul D. Miller, MD, FACP, is a an internationally recognized physician specializing in metabolic bone disease. He is widely considered a leading authority on bone biology, prevention and treatment of metabolic bone disorders, including osteoporosis. Dr. Miller is Medical Director at the Colorado Center for Bone Health in Lakewood, CO, which is acknowledged as a top international facility for diagnosis and treatment of metabolic bone disease. He is also a Distinguished Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center. Dr. Miller is Board Certified in both Internal Medicine and Nephrology (kidney diseases). Dr. Miller’s research focuses on the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, and he is the principal investigator in a number of clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of current and potential therapies. He is the author and co-author of over 340 peer-reviewed publications, and 50 textbook chapters, Atlases, and books. His insights and thought leadership have made him a media resource and sought-after speaker. He is an invited speaker at regional, national and international scientific meetings. Dr. Miller is The Founding President of The International Society for Clinical Densitometry and is Emeritus Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Clinical Densitometry and serves on the editorial boards of Osteoporosis International, Calcified Tissues International, Journal of Women’s Heath and the National Osteoporosis Foundation’s Osteoporosis: Clinical Updates Newsletter and Up-to-Date. He is also a reviewer for the Annals of Internal Medicine, Calcified Tissue International, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research and The New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA. Dr. Miller places his highest priority on patient care and humanism. With kindness, compassion and a sense of humor, he works tirelessly and personally with his patients to improve their health and quality of life. It is his passion for medicine and solving complex medical cases that underscore the importance of his work. Dr. Miller also received an Honorary Doctor of Science from his undergraduate alma mater, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa; his medical degree with Distinction from The George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, D.C., which also awarded him in 2103 The Distinguished Alumni Award. He served his internship, residency and chief residency at the University of Rochester School of Medicine, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, New York, and subsequently completed clinical and research fellowships in renal diseases at the University of Colorado Medical Center in Denver. He has remained in Denver since 1974, involved in renal medicine and metabolic bone disease from 1977-1994, and then established the Colorado Center for Bone Research (CCBR). CCBR is a leading clinical and research facility caring for a broad spectrum of metabolic bone diseases and either principle investigator or co-investigator in literally every FDA approved therapy for osteoporosis, Paget’s disease, Renal bone disease, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Steroid-induced osteoporosis, hypophosphatasia and other rare bone diseases. Dr. Miller is board certified in both internal medicine and nephrology. Born in Hagerstown, Md., Dr. Miller lives in Colorado with his wife, Linda. He has five children.

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