Challenges when Reporting BMD for Less Than 4 Vertebral Bodies

The consideration of how to best report less than 4 vertebrae for spine BMD is frequently discussed. This issue was addressed during the last position development conference. This lecture will review how this should best be evaluated and reported along with taking into account trabecular bone score reporting in this situation as well.

  1. Identify the best way to report less than 4 vertebrae on a spine BMD
  2. Distinguish between the different methods in which LSC can be reported in this situation
  3. Determine how TBS should be evaluated when less than 4 vertebrae are evaluated. Identify currently available software features that have clinical application

Georgian room

Dr. Harold Rosen, MD, CCD

Director of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Center

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Dr. Harold Rosen did fellowships in Endocrinology and Geriatrics at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. He spent years doing clinical research in osteoporosis, when he investigated the relationship between vitamin K and bone, thyroid hormone-induced bone loss, and the role of biochemical markers of bone turnover. In 1998 he became the Director of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. In this capacity he runs bone densitometry, sees patients in consultation for osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease, and does research on optimizing performance and reporting of bone densitometry. He has been active in his professional society, the ISCD (International Society for Clinical Densitometry) where he served on the Board of Directors from 2010-2013. Dr. Rosen is the recipient of the ISCD Clinician of the year Award in 2010, and the recipient of the Paul Miller award for service to the ISCD in 2017.

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