L-Spine Inaccuracies such as Osteoarthritis and Aortic Calcification (When to include/exclude vertebrae)

Discussion on challenges that may have an impact on the accuracy of bone density measurements, requiring careful consideration and interpretation.

  1. Identify degenerative changes.
  2. Compare technique and positioning errors.
  3. Distinguish how body composition influences varying vertebral sizes.

Successful completion of this session qualifies for 1 ASRT Category A continuing education credit.

Kyla Kent, BA, CBDT

Technical Director

SAMBA Lab, Stanford University School of Medicine

Kyla Kent, BA, CBDT, Technical Director of the SAMBA (Stanford Assessments of Muscle and Bone across the Ages) Lab, has been with Stanford University School of Medicine and the Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care system since 1991 in the Stanford Prevention Research Center, the Musculo-Skeletal Research Lab and most recently the SAMBA Lab. Responsibilities include development and technical assessment of research protocols, clinical facility management, supervisor for clinical staff, performance of DXA, HRpQCT, Biodex and other measures related to research conducted in the areas of bone metabolism, structural assessment, body composition, exercise, sleep and healthy aging. Ms. Kent is a consultant in study design and instructor in bone density related imaging modalities for the Stanford Children’s Hospital, Palo Alto VA Hospital and Stanford Hospital/Stanford School of Medicine and internationally for bone mass measurement technique and analysis in growing skeletons. Currently acting in the position of Technical Director for the SAMBA Lab and as consultant developing a program for Quality DXA across all of Stanford’s clinical networks. Ms. Kent is an active member of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD. She also has acted as the Director, clinical instructor and lecturer for a State certified training program for DXA.

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