ISCD Learning
Boston - February 2025 - Vertebral Fracture Recognition Course
Includes a Live In-Person Event on 05/20/2025 at 12:00 AM (EDT)
- Registration Closed
Course Date
February 19, 2025.
Course Description
This advanced densitometry course focuses on how vertebral fracture imaging advances the diagnosis and treatment of patients at risk of osteoporotic fractures. It emphasizes the importance of vertebral fractures in the clinical management of osteoporosis, including recognition of lateral spine images of a normal spine, vertebral fractures, and other findings that may be confused with vertebral fractures. Fracture recognition, analysis, and best-practice patient positioning are detailed to ensure ideal image acquisition, interpretation, and reporting. It is recommended, but not required, that registrants attend the Osteoporosis Essentials/Quality Bone Densitometry Course (Clinician or Technologist) prior to attending the VFR course.
Target Audience
The content is designed for healthcare providers responsible for reading and interpreting DXA scans, including specialists and generalists working in family medicine, general and internal medicine, rheumatology, endocrinology, obstetrics/gynecology, radiology, nuclear medicine, physical and occupational therapy, and research. The course is also appropriate for technologists.
Learning Objectives
After attending the course, participants should be better prepared to:
1. Summarize best-practice methods utilized to recognize vertebral fractures on lateral spine images.
2. Describe non-fracture abnormalities that may appear on a spine image.
3. Identify characteristics of high-quality densitometric lateral spine images.
4. Identify the appropriate complementary technologies to complete vertebral fracture assessment.
5. Cite indications for VFA as stated in the 2015 ISCD Official Positions.
Method of Participation
This activity will be offered in person in Boston, allowing the learner to watch and ask questions in a live format on February 19, 2025. Learners will be asked to complete a post-course survey to indicate what they will change in their practice as a result of this activity.
Cancellation Policy
Attendee Cancellation Policy All changes in registration must be made in writing to education@iscd.org. Cancellations received 30 days prior to the start of the program are eligible for a full refund minus a $50 administrative fee. Cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the start of the course will not be refunded.
Course Changes or Cancellations ISCD reserves the right to cancel the program, change dates and/or meeting location. If a program is canceled, all program fees will be refunded automatically unless the registered participant elects to transfer to another program. Participants will be notified of any changes within 21 days of the course start date.
ACCME Joint Accreditation Statement:

In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and ISCD. Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™
Amedco LLC designates this live activity for a maximum of 3.75 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM for physicians. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
ASRT Credit Designation
This activity has been approved by ASRT for 4.5 Category A continuing education credits.
Deadline to Claim Credit
Participants will have 90 days from the live activity end date to complete the activity survey and claim continuing education credit.
Schedule - February 19th, 2025, 2:00pm - 6:00pm - All times Eastern Standard Time (NYC/USA)

Dr. Harold Rosen, MD, CCD
Director of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Center
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Dr. Harold Rosen did fellowships in Endocrinology and Geriatrics at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. He spent years doing clinical research in osteoporosis, when he investigated the relationship between vitamin K and bone, thyroid hormone-induced bone loss, and the role of biochemical markers of bone turnover. In 1998 he became the Director of the Osteoporosis Prevention and Treatment Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. In this capacity he runs bone densitometry, sees patients in consultation for osteoporosis and metabolic bone disease, and does research on optimizing performance and reporting of bone densitometry. He has been active in his professional society, the ISCD (International Society for Clinical Densitometry) where he served on the Board of Directors from 2010-2013. Dr. Rosen is the recipient of the ISCD Clinician of the year Award in 2010, and the recipient of the Paul Miller award for service to the ISCD in 2017.

John T. Schousboe, MD, PhD, CCD
Director, Park Nicollet Bone Densitometry Center; Consultant Rheumatologist, Park Nicollet Clinic; Research Investigator, HealthPartners Institute
Park Nicollet Clinic
John T. Schousboe MD PhD CCD Dr. Schousboe is a rheumatologist and health services researcher who directs the bone densitometry center of Park Nicollet Clinic, a large integrated health care delivery system in Minneapolis, MN. He is a Past President of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and a Fellow of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR). During a 16-year research career he has been an author on 200 peer-reviewed publications, the far majority of which have been in the field of diagnosis and management of osteoporosis. His contributions to science include development of a cost-effectiveness model that was used to conduct studies of the cost-effectiveness of bone densitometry in men and subgroups of older women and men defined by prevalent vertebral fracture, bone turnover marker levels, and bone density level; studies of the accuracy, prevalence, and clinical impact of vertebral fracture recognition on bone density lateral spine images; studies of medication adherence to osteoporosis therapies; studies of the identification and clinical significance of abdominal aortic calcification on lateral bone density spine images; and predictors of health care utilization and costs using Medicare Claims data.
Statement of Independence
The ISCD maintains a policy on the use of commercial support, which ensures that all educational activities sponsored by the ISCD provide in-depth presentations that are fair, balanced, independent, and scientifically rigorous. ISCD requires faculty, planners, managers, and other individuals and their spouse/life partner who are in a position to control the content of this activity to disclose any real or apparent conflict of interest they may have as related to the content of this activity. All identified conflicts of interest are thoroughly vetted by ISCD for fair balance, scientific objectivity of studies mentioned in the materials or used as the basis for content, and appropriateness of patient care recommendations. Individual disclosures are included in the course material. No Commercial Support has been provided for this activity
The information and suggestions presented at the courses, seminars and other programs sponsored by ISCD and other collaborating societies are subject to change and therefore should serve only as a foundation for further investigation and study. Any forms presented at our seminars or programs are samples only and are not necessarily authoritative. All information, procedures, and forms contained or used in such seminars or programs should serve only as a guide for use in specific situations.
Disclosure of Unlabeled Use
This educational activity may contain a discussion of published and/or investigational uses of agents that are not indicated by the FDA. ISCD does not recommend the use of any agent outside of the labeled indications. The opinions expressed in this educational activity are those of the faculty and do not necessarily represent the views of any organization associated with this activity. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for a discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings.
Privacy & Confidentiality Statement
The ISCD will record the learner’s personal information as provided on evaluations to allow for the issuance and tracking of CME/CE certificates. The ISCD may also track aggregate responses to questions in activities and evaluations and use these data to inform the ongoing evaluation and improvement of its educational program. No individual performance data or any other personal information collected for evaluations will be shared with third parties
Attendance Cancellation Policy
All changes in registration must be made in writing to education@iscd.org. Cancellations received 30 days prior to the start of the program are eligible for a full refund minus a $50 administrative fee. Cancellations received less than 30 days prior to the start of the course will not be refunded.
Course Changes or Cancellations
ISCD reserves the right to cancel the program, change dates, how the course is taught, and/or meeting location. If a program is canceled, all program fees will be refunded unless the registered participant elects to transfer to another program. Participants will be notified of any changes within 21 days of the course start date.