Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

ISCD is pleased to invite our corporate partners and industry organizations to be sponsors at our Virtual Symposium. Sponsorship packages can be customized to meet specific marketing needs and to reach your key audiences in a virtual format.

Product Theater (only 2 available)

Product Theater Benefits Include: A non-competing 1-hour time slot to highlight your product, service or deliver a message from a special speaker to attendees. Price includes promotion of your program to our attendees through our virtual platform.

  • Listing of Product Theater in the Symposium Schedule on website
  • Listing of Product Theater (if booked prior to 2/1/2024) in a Symposium promotional E-blast

Pre-Meeting Promotional Email Ad

Your company’s banner ad will be featured in one of our Annual Meeting promotional emails reaching over 20,000 prospective attendees. Ad size is 1200px x 628px and can be linked to the page of your choosing. Limited pre-meeting slots available. All content is subject to review and approval.

Pre-Meeting Promotional Email Article

Include an article (200 words) within one of our Annual Meeting promotional emails reaching over 20,000 prospective attendees. Let our members and attendees know that you will be participating in the meeting with a preview of your content or product demo. Limited pre-meeting slots available. All content is subject to review and approval.